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Saturday, July 18, 2015

Disney and Dali: Architects of the Imagination

Article from

Salted caramels and bitter chocolate tantalize not only our taste buds but our imaginations. Salvador Dali painted melting clocks and Walt Disney portrayed backward clocks and relentless watches in his animated Alice in Wonderland. Both men possessed the knowledge and ability to harness the sweet and sinister in the 1940’s. This outwardly odd-coupling was destined to become their joint venture Destino, which travelled its own labyrthine path until its release in 2003.

“Disney and Dali: Architects of the Imagination” curated by Ted Nicolaou, in the words of the Dali Museum’s Hank Hine, “a fine art experience and funhouse”, a chance to experience the friendship of these two magical minds in a myriad of objects, sound and film.

“Disney and Dalit: Architects of the Imagination,” will be on view at The Walt Disney Family Museum in San Francisco through January 3, 2016.

All images courtesy of The Walt Disney Family Museum


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