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Saturday, June 11, 2011


1st Prize: USD 5,000
2nd Prize: USD 3,000
3rd Prize: USD 2,000

Germs cause illnesses as they have a simple way into our bodies: from our hands to our mouths. Unknowingly, most people do not wash their hands often enough and long enough to kill germs and to keep their hands clean. Understanding this, Lifebuoy has created a Superfast Handwash that kills 99.9% of the germs in just 10 seconds.

Your Challenge
Convince mums who want to improve their family’s life of using Lifebuoy Handwash by bringing to life our proposition: “Lifebuoy Handwash kills 99.9% germs in 10 seconds”, keeping hands clean and safe. Don’t make a boring scientific video or yet another typical TV commercial we have seen before. Be creative, convincing and innovative.

Follow this link to participate!

Contest runs until July the 24th.

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