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Friday, November 23, 2012

CGChallenge XXVII: TEN

CGSociety is celebrating our first ten years as the premier site for CG artists worldwide. As part of the celebration we challenge you to incorporate the number ten into an image or video, whether literally or symbolically.
It could be a child counting to 10 for the first time, a parody of the movie 10, a play on words (tentacles, tenacious, tenant), the Ten commandments, ten minutes to save the world, remember when you were ten (imaginary friends, bullies, nightmares, dreams for the future), what happened ten years ago, the power of ten.
It could be 2D or 3D, image or video, and produced on any software. Make it hilarious or make it epic, just make sure it cleverly adds the number, idea, word or symbol of ten. It is CGChallenge XXVII, and it’s going to be big!

source link:

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